Saturday, July 5, 2014

Bridal makeup & hair course 新娘化妆与发型课程

2014年下半年的新娘与发型课程开始招生了,这是Alisa老师特别编排的新娘发型课程,里面包括发型基础,20款由浅到深的新娘发型,包括各种最新编发,盘发,线条等技巧,更有最受新娘欢迎的玫瑰头。有兴趣的朋友可立刻打电话询问,名额有限。 016 3657 354 sms/what's app/wechat

New intake for 2014 bridal makeup n hairstyle course. The course includes foundation of hairstyling, variety style of braids, bun, and also the most popular Rose hairstyle. Interested pls call Miss Alisa 0163657354, don't miss the opportunity and limited students for the class.